dialogues between young blacks and the school
Horizontality, Blackness, Youth, SchoolAbstract
The present article has as its main theme the reflections of students of a school that offers the final years of fundamental education and that attends to some residents of a favela in a suburb of Rio de Janeiro. The majority of the student body is made up of black and brown students, who for a long time did not encompass the school as a territory. In the narrative that follows, we will bring the insurgent debates that took place between students and students of one of the school classes about racism and racial discrimination and the ideas about hierarchies among human groups, with the white Caucasian as standard and the other ethnic groups as blacks and indigenous subaltern positions. In this context, this article has as its main theme, to analyze the developments of the overvaluation of the aesthetics of European matrix in the identity of students of public schools of the state of Rio de Janeiro, located in the peripheries of the metropolitan region of the state. Likewise, themes such as blackness, periphery, aesthetics and youth will permeate the stories of the students and will reveal an educational process that reinvents not only its belonging to the occupation of the space of the school by the students, but also the continuity of the anti-racist struggles in Brazil. The reflection that follows contributed to the production of more horizontalized actions and to an ecology of two knowledges that emerge from the practices
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