playing as resistance and invention of worlds
Childhoods, Learning, EquityAbstract
It presents problematizations based on inclusive practices in the educational context of a Municipal Center for Early Childhood Education in the city of Serra in the State of Espírito Santo, Brazil. It aims to make visible and debate possibilities of conversations between early childhood education, care, social reality, learning and children's well-being; at a time when there is a growing increase in the number of children called, at this time, atypical. It investigates from networks of conversations and research with everyday life; modes of resistance as an aesthetic experimentation of living childhoods in their highest potency in the school context. She weaves approaches with the theoretical intercessions of Deleuze, Freire, Kohan, among others that help to weave education as the invention of worlds and resistance. It bets on affective compositions, based on an attentive and sensitive listening to childhoods and the contexts experienced with school daily life, in the invention of possible worlds that can affirm life and learning as a force, in the face of social vulnerabilities.
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