From Teaching as the pedagogue's identity and the different professional attributions proposed by DCNP -2006




Professional knowledge. Pedagogy. National Curriculum Guidelines for the Pedagogical Course


The great problems that have accumulated in relation to the Pedagogy curriculum are notorious, since there is a lot of disagreement among educators about the possibilities of professional performance that can be attributed to the pedagogue. In this context, this study seeks to analyze, based on the narratives of the students (8th semester students), the professional knowledge and the different qualifications proposed by DCNP 2006 in the Pedagogy course. Especially the works of Pimenta (1998; 2002, 2004), Libâneo (2000; 2006; 2010) and Franco (2008; 2011) were used, which denounce, in their research, the problem surrounding a fragmented curriculum in various qualifications and the defense of Pedagogy as the basis for the education and professional performance of the pedagogue, as opposed to the recommendations emphasized by the DCNP that place teaching as the basis of training. The research was exploratory and anchored in the qualitative approach, which allowed a more adequate knowledge of the reality instituted through the acts of curricula of undergraduate students (graduating students), in view of the construction of their identity as pedagogues. We concluded in this study that: a) the workload of 3,200 hours is insufficient to form profiles of different professionals in a single course; b) insufficient professional knowledge for the Pedagogue's performance in different spaces, as provided by the DCNP; d) the knowledge linked to teaching methodologies in the course is also fragile, which reverberates in the professional insecurity of future pedagogues in teaching content mainly in the areas of Portuguese and mathematics.


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Author Biographies

Aline Daiane Nunes Mascarenhas, State University of Bahia, Brazil.

PhD from the Federal University of Bahia (2015). He is currently a professor at the State University of Bahia, Campus V, Collegiate of History.

Cristina d' Ávila, Universidade do Estado da Bahia, Brasil.

Professora Associada da Universidade Federal da Bahia e Professora Titular da Universidade do Estado da Bahia. É pesquisadora associada do CRIE - Sherbrooke - Canadá (Centre de recherche sur l'intervention éducative) e CRIFPE - Montreal - Canadá (Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la formation et la profession enseignante). É pesquisadora do grupo GREAS-CEAQ (Sorbonne, Paris-Descartes)


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How to Cite

MASCARENHAS, A. D. N.; D’ ÁVILA, C. From Teaching as the pedagogue’s identity and the different professional attributions proposed by DCNP -2006. Curriculum Space Journal, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 2, p. 259–271, 2017. DOI: 10.15687/rec.v10i2.35474. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 dec. 2024.