


Emmanuel Mounier, Personalism, Person, Human construction


This essay, of a bibliographical and theoretical nature, develops a brief reflection on personalismin Emmanuel Mounier. The aimis to seek the meaning that people have attributedto the thought of this author, as a being-with-the-other, andthe notion of community as a social structure more adequate for the human being to effecthis/herrelational nature. From personalistic positions, it is concluded that freedom and responsibility are seen as necessary for the subject not to be objectified in his/herreal existence, considering that the person consists of one in the world, and in the relationship with the other, builds his/herhistory. It is from the rupture of this relationship that the contradictions of humanity, the alienation and the material misery of the human being take place. Aspersonalism is not only a theoretical explanation of the existential condition, but also a will over man, there arises the demand of the practical commitment with a view to the disalienation of the human being in Mounier.


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Author Biographies

Lélio Favacho Braga, Doutorando em educação pela Universidade Nove de Julho-UNINOVE/SP, Brasil

PhD student in Education - Area of ​​concentration in Theories, Policies and Cultures in Education by the University Nove de Julho-UNINOVE / SP, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Antônio Joaquim Severino.


Antônio Joaquim Severino, Doutorando em educação pela Universidade Nove de Julho-UNINOVE/SP, Brasil

Full professor, retired, of Philosophy of Education at the Faculty of Education of USP, now acting as a collaborating teacher. He graduated in Philosophy at the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, in 1964. At PUCSP, he presented his doctorate, defending a thesis on Emmamuel Mounier's personalism, in 1972. He held a Free Teaching Contest in Philosophy of Education, at the University of São Paulo in 2000. In 2003, he held a title competition. He is currently a member of the faculty of the Graduate Program in Education at Uninove, Universidade Nove de Julho, in São Paulo, where he leads the Research and Study Group on Philosophy of Education - GRUPEFE.


MOIX, Candide. O pensamento de Emmanuel Mounier. Tradução de Frei Marcelo L. Simões. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, p. 135, 152, 1968.

MOUNIER, Emmanuel. O Personalismo. Trad. Vinícius Eduardo Alves. São Paulo: Centauro, p. 15,16, 17, 29, 31, 32, 38, 41, 44, 45, 46, 47, 2004.

____________. A esperança dos desesperados: Malraux, Camus, Sartre, Bernanos. trad. Naumi Vasconcelos. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1972.

___________. Manifesto ao serviço do personalismo. Tradução de Antônio Ramos. Lisboa: Morais, p.21, 108, 1967.

SEVERINO, Antônio Joaquim. Humanismo, personalismo e os desafios sociais da educação contemporânea. v. 18, n. 36, jan./abr. Cuiabá. Revista Educação Pública,p.04-05, 2009.

___________. Pessoa e existência: iniciação ao personalismo de Emmanuel Mounier. São Paulo: Cortez Editora, p.71, 72, 1983.

___________. A antropologia personalista de Emmanuel Mounier. São Paulo: Saraiva, p.54, 1974.

___________. Educação, sujeito e história. São Paulo: Olho d’Água, 2001.



How to Cite

BRAGA, L. F.; SEVERINO, A. J. BRIEF REFLECTIONS ON PERSONALISM IN EMMANUEL MOUNIER: BRIEF REFLECTIONS ON PERSONALISM IN EMMANUEL MOUNIER. Revista Temas em Educação, [S. l.], v. 26, n. 1, p. 86–96, 2018. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.2359-7003.2017v26n1.32513. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.

