Curriculum Space Journal publishes volume 13, number 2 of 2020.


Curriculum Space Journal launched its second issue of 2020, vol. 13, n ° 2, entitled “THE CURRICULUM FOR TEACHING SOCIAL SCIENCES: a look at the Ibero Latin-American world” organized by Professors Doctors Amurabi Oliveira (UFSC) and Antoni Sansisteban (UAB / Spain). The thematic dossier aggregates research produced in the context of Latin America, as well as Spain and Portugal, focused on the debate on the curriculum for the teaching of social sciences - included here in the broad teaching of the term (anthropology, history, geography, economics, sociology, etc. .) - both in basic education and in higher education. Emphasizing the need to think in a plural way about the different curricular experiences in teaching such sciences, considering the flows, changes, continuities and discontinuities that exist in this geopolitical region of the Global South that is deeply connected in historical, political and social terms.

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Good reading!