DOSSIE X CIPPC: For other political curriculum projects


The Editorial Board of Curriculum Space Journal (CSJ) invites researchers to submit articles for the thematic dossier “For other political curriculum projects”, organized by Prof. Ms. Adriege Matias Rodrigues (Federal University of Paraíba - Brazil), Prof. Dr. Franklin Kaic Dutra-Pereira (Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia - Brazil) and Prof. Dr. Saimonton Tinôco (Federal University of Paraíba - Brazil). The dossier aims to add unpublished texts that bring curricular discussions to think about education in broad and inventive senses, from problematizations of the political scenario (inter)national. Marked by the COVID-19 pandemic and the rise of the conservative politicians to power, we yearn to question established orders, discourses, powers, and knowledge, which seek to sediment truths outside beings. In order not to succumb, we need to create possible worlds, feed dreams agreed, to invent admirable educations that (re)compose lives. Strategies of collective and democratic resistance that pierce the attempts to standardization, dismantling, blocking and interdiction, assumed by current neoliberal policies.

DEDLINE: March 12, 2023.

Information and submission rules can be found on the journal's website: