Notice regarding the registration of DOIs for the 2021 and 2022 editions


The editorial team of Curriculum Space Journal informs that the DOI prefix has changed from 10.22478/ufpb.1983-1579 to 10.15687/rec. This decision aims to resolve the process of depositing DOIs with CROSSREF. Because, despite generating the number, the magazine was prevented from making the deposit, due to UFPB financial management issues, which left the code inactive.

The numbers for 2021 and 2022 remained inactive DOIs, which prevented authors from using the identifier during the update in their respective lattes curricula.

Through this news, we clarify that the texts published in v16, n1 of 2023 have already had all DOIs deposited, being active for registration in the authors' lattes curriculum. The other numbers, which we listed above, we will do a task force to activate everyone's identifiers.

Grateful for understanding

CSJ management