possibilities and challenges of pedagogical management


  • Daiane Braghirolli Rauschkolb State University of the Midwest, Brazil.
  • Suzete Terezinha Orzechowski State University of the Midwest, Brazil.



Rural Education, School curriculum, Pedagogical Practice


The text presents the investigation about the curriculum in the rural school in order to understand how the pedagogical practice is linked to the formal curriculum. The research procedures have a qualitative, bibliographic and empirical approach with data collection in the field. The data present in the research were collected through the analysis of the school's formal curriculum, as well as its characteristics and specificities. A questionnaire was applied with semi-structured questions in relation to the school's formal curriculum, pedagogical practice and rural education, for teachers who work in the final years of elementary school and the pedagogical team. Observation was conducted in the four classes of the final years of elementary school to accompany the teacher's pedagogical practice in the classroom, the same was recorded in a field diary according to the following criteria: curriculum content; articulation of general and specific content; and how the knowledge of the field was inserted in the pedagogical practice of the teacher. The bibliographic deepening necessary to support the research brings the ideas of Coll (2000), Libâneo (1994, 2005), Pacheco (2007), Sacristán (1998), Cavalcanti (2011). The discussions in the article are presented in 4 sections: history of the education of the Field, Basis on the notions of curriculum, characterization of the school and the curriculum of the field and concluding are the analysis of the research results.


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Author Biographies

Daiane Braghirolli Rauschkolb, State University of the Midwest, Brazil.

Graduated in Pedagogy Teaching and Educational Management from the State University of the Midwest -UNICENTRO- Chopiniznho-PR Campus (2014-2017). Postgraduate Lato Sensu at the Specialization level in School Management and Neuropsychopedagogy from UNINA-Polo of São João-PR (2019-2020).

Suzete Terezinha Orzechowski, State University of the Midwest, Brazil.

PhD in Education from PUC / PR and UNED / MADRID. Pedagogue and teacher in the Pedagogy department at UNICENTRO-Guarapuava / Paraná. Leader of the GETFOP research group and coordinator of LAPSU- Laboratory of Social Pedagogy at UNICENTRO.


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How to Cite

RAUSCHKOLB, D. B. .; ORZECHOWSKI, S. T. . THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF FIELD EDUCATION: possibilities and challenges of pedagogical management. Curriculum Space Journal, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 2, p. 326–340, 2020. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.1983-1579.2020v13n3.37931. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 dec. 2024.