integrative and restorative logic in educational curricula
Environmental Education, Curriculum, Integrative Logic, Restorative LogicAbstract
Based on the criticisms made to the institutionalization of environmental discourse in the curriculum of school processes of learning-teaching, we present the issue entitled "Four decades of institutionalization of environmental discourse - integrative and restorative logics in educational curricula". The number has the objective of promoting dialogue and debate on themes that are associated with the integrative and restorative configuration of the current environmental discourse associated with the curricula. Both integrative and restorative logic - are not configured as something exclusive, on the contrary, they are inscribed in both perspectives, reciprocally. So the texts presented here challenge the expressions and understandings of the curriculum, to the same extent that they question the position of schools and universities when rethinking the environment from different epistemologies, social actors, nature and non-human animals as subjects of rights.
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