problematizing the possibility of a new epistemological position





Universalism, Epistemological pluralism, Critical multiculturalism, Scientific pluralism, Epistemology


This theoretical essay aims to problematize the possibility of a new epistemological position on demarcation of knowledge, based on discussions regarding the convergences and divergences between universalism, epistemological pluralism and critical multiculturalism, in order to understand how these theoretical perspectives could be used by teachers to support different pedagogical practices. Therefore, we present the three main epistemological positions of science (universalism, multiculturalism and epistemological pluralism), we also discuss about the variations of multiculturalism present in national and international literature, and, finally, we argue for the theoretical and practical dialogue between the two positions that are most evidently keep in dispute - the epistemological pluralism and the critical multiculturalism, with a new route of epistemological discussion. We propose here the idea of ​​scientific pluralism, so that the sciences correspond to different cultures. It is a question of questioning the term “science” as a metaphor for power, confronting the hegemony of discourse and destabilizing the hierarchies that were historically (im)posed and are reflected today.


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Author Biographies

Isabela Santos Correia Rosa, Secretary of Education of the State of Sergipe, College of Application of the Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil.

PhD in Teaching, Philosophy and History of Sciences (UFBA/UEFS, 2019), with sandwich period at the Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, ​​Spain. She is currently an effective professor in the state of Sergipe and hired by the College of Application of the Federal University of Sergipe.

Rosiléia Oliveira de Almeida , Federal University of Bahia, Brazil.

PhD in Education from the State University of Campinas and associate professor at the Department of Education II at the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA).

Catiana Santos Correia Santana, State Secretary of Education of Sergipe, Brazil.

Master's degree in Letters from the Federal University of Sergipe and effective professor in the state of Sergipe.


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How to Cite

ROSA, I. S. C. .; ALMEIDA , R. O. de .; SANTANA, C. S. C. . UNIVERSALISM, EPISTEMOLOGICAL PLURALISM AND CRITICAL MULTICULTURALISM: problematizing the possibility of a new epistemological position. Curriculum Space Journal, [S. l.], v. 13, n. Especial, p. 726–742, 2020. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.1983-1579.2020v13nEspecial.54136. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufpb.br/index.php/rec/article/view/54136. Acesso em: 19 oct. 2024.