assumptions, perspectives and boundaries of/to an inclusive and interdisciplinary jam session
Curriculum as Jazz, Musical Education, Inclusion, InterdisciplinarityAbstract
The present text aims to present dialogically the construct Curriculum as Jazz, its assumptions and methodological implications in the teaching of music in a primary school. Part of our doctoral research in Education Sciences - Curriculum Development Specialty, this work, which is based in a bibliographical review, in interlocution with the investigative processes, intends initially to approach the theoretical-methodological conceptions of the definitions of Music, Musical Education, Inclusion and Interdisciplinarity, proposing movements of conversation and improvisation, thus allowing the return to the theme Curriculum as Jazz to set up an inclusive and interdisciplinary pedagogical-musical profile. In this curricular narrative, we welcome the metaphor of the Curriculum as Jazz, proposing a narrative with the Jam Session, as well as sharing our ways of giving meaning to Music Education and the possibilities of curricular designs that encompass conversation and improvisation. In this sense, we welcome a Jam Session that involves the senses of dialogue, collective work, self-learning and equal opportunities, that values decision making, autonomy and reflection, and articulates, in this way, inclusion and interdisciplinarity. In this way, we understand the Jam Session as a collective experience, a space of social learning based on the cultivation of musical individuality. In this movement, the teaching of Music is composed in a community of reciprocal learning, which is (re) discovered and (re) written at every moment, in the performance movement of a Curriculum as Jazz.
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