Statistics, Teaching Statistics, PCN, BNCCAbstract
Statistical knowledge is essential to perform different daily activities, however, in order for the individual to be able to use statistics, he must develop skills of reading and interpreting data, in addition to the ability to establish relationships, make assumptions and understand information related to uncertainty, unpredictability or variability. In this context, this research proposes to discuss the main challenges and perspectives on the teaching of statistics arising from the implementation of the PCN and bncc. The methodological approach used in this study is documentary bibliographic and has exploratory data analysis (AED) as its theoretical framework. It is worth pointing out that there have been advances over the years with the incorporation of statistics in the curriculum in elementary school. From this inclusion, other advances can be observed, such as: the exploration of the different representations (table, graphs, flowcharts); the realization and planning of practical research involving different categorical variables that enable the opening of reflections and the development of competencies such as statistical thinking and the understanding of interdisciplinary relationships. It is pointed out as one of the challenges to expand the work with Statistics in Basic Education the investment in teacher education in the perspective of empowering them in favor of favoring the teaching and learning process.
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