Transgression and experimentation in teaching visual arts
Teaching in Arts, Cartography, SchizoanalysisAbstract
This article is the result of master's research entitled Photography and professoriality: a cartography of approaches and distances. It traces creation processes from the perspective of a schizoanalysis of memories, tensioning, however, without directly denying the idea of sanctity imprinted in the secularity of the school, in a way of aestheticizing the school space and, elsewhere, producing singularizing lines of escape from from the photographic, mapping some passages of this trail, a clash between holiness, pearls and pigs amid the dark and fertile quagmire of the process of becoming a teacher, to achieving a certain metastable way of being. It adopts cartography as a method and takes schizoanalysis as the procedural inspiration for the analysis. It points out as emerging central results: the cartographic path of this game of shadows allows one to experience being drenched by chance, by the small forms of microphysical events, in basic education as an art teacher, by the light that arrives, by the weight of the iron that dies due to the lightness of the air, all of this returns as potential energy through the photograph, which rearranges these vectors of force and produces another existence, an artistic existence, embodied entirely in the present.
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