analysis of the cartoon O Pequeno Príncipe
Subject., Media., Pedagogy., Identities., Subjectivities.Abstract
Dialoging about the ways of subjectivationpresent in contemporary society is a process that crosses the debates of the pedagogical field. For this, we propose this qualitative investigation that deals with the pedagogical devices of the media and the production of subjectivities. As an element ofanalysis of the essay we have the episode "The planet of time -first part" of the cartoon series The Little Prince, presented by the Discovery Channel television channel. The objective is to critically read the images presented in the episode in order toanswer the question: "how are socially desirable and significant characteristics created and affirmed from the symbolic images that they convey in the cartoon The Little Prince?". We present some ways of addressing that reach social subjects by shaping and homogenizing their behaviors and forming subjectivities. From the concept of addressing mode it is concluded that characteristics such as appreciation and care for nature, preservation of friendships, zeal with the other and stimulation of the imagination are created and affirmed from the symbolic images that convey in the cartoon, as well as racial issues and gender roles validating hegemonic social identities.
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