


Animals, Bioethics, Ecofeminism, Education, Nature


This article starts from the expansion of the meaning of the term Bioethics, seeking to justify in the discussion on ethics linked to life issues the inclusion of the problem of the moral status of non-human lives. It is about thinking about environmental problems as part of Bioethics, since the different lives are more or less integrated and constitute a continuum of interrelations and interdependencies. This sense of bioethics allows us to think about a critical environmental education in which the human individual does not perceive himself as outside and above the environment. The defense of this sense of Bioethics involves two interconnected theoretical strategies: 1) the need to deconstruct hierarchical dualisms of value so that the individual can think of himself as a subject inserted in a not only cultural environment, but also in some measure dependent on a natural world, against which your life is not opposed; 2) the importance of encouraging new ways of relating to other forms of life in a non-oppressive and destructive way in order to give full meaning to the idea of ​​preserving nature. In this sense, it is intended to carry out, based on the contributions of ecofeminist thinking, a critique of the hierarchical dualisms of value that form the basis of the exploratory patriarchal worldview. The curricular component of Bioethics can be a space for raising awareness in Higher Education about the need to propose a new place for human beings in relation to other forms of life.


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Author Biography

Tânia Aparecida Kuhnen, Federal University of Western Bahia, Brazil.

PhD in Philosophy from the Federal University of Santa Catarina and Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Western Bahia.


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How to Cite

KUHNEN, T. A. AN EXPANDED BIOETHICS FOR THE INCLUSION OF REFLECTIONS ON ANIMAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES. Curriculum Space Journal, [S. l.], v. 3, n. 11, 2018. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.1983-1579.2018v3n11.40172. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 oct. 2024.