socioemotional competences and environmental ethics
Environmental Education, BNCC, Human Rigths, Socioemotional Competences, Human Rights EducationAbstract
The article aims to understand the relationship between environmental ethics and socioemotional competences foreseen in the National Common Curricular Basis (BNCC), aligned with Human Rights Education (EDH), Global Citizenship Education (ECG) and Environmental Education. Thus, the concepts of EDH and ECG are presented, situated in the legal frameworks that establish them and how they dialogue with the development of socialemotional skills aimed at education in the 21st century, that is, that goes beyond cognitive competences. In line with this theoretical and legal framework, the BNCC presents a set of general competencies that aim precisely at the development of these skills, including the elements and values of human rights and environmental sustainability. However, it is necessary to establish the moral and ethical values that should guide this education, so that it breaks with anthropocentrism and does not incur any form of oppression, either in relation to humans, animals or nature.
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