afrocentered implications for teacher education
Afrocentricity, Single responsability, Teacher EducationAbstract
The aim is to discuss teacher education and the curriculum that structures it from an Afrocentered perspective. The curriculum is conceived in this work as a space of power and a territory of disputes that, throughout history, have been developed in a Eurocentric perspective, which makes African and Afrobrazilian knowledge invisible through epistemic practices. In this sense, the work is structured in three sections. First, we make a brief incursion into curriculum theories to apprehend the curriculum as a space in which different power relations are imbricated that, in a way, imply the silencing of knowledge and representations of an African matrix; then, we enter the epistemological territory of Afrocentricity, which arises in response to the Eurocentric paradigm, presenting the main characteristics and fundamental concepts of Afrocentric theory; finally, in the third section, we present reflections for the development of the curriculum and teacher education in an Afrocentered perspective.
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