in search of an anti-racist and anti-capacitist bilingualism
Deafness, Intersectionality, Deaf educationAbstract
The article shares experiences lived by two teachers working in the context of bilingual education for deaf people, with an audience made up of young and adults students, many of whom are workers. We report events and conversations with students in classroom situations and in meetings of the project “Deafness and differences: intersectionalities in focus”, in which we discuss, in conversation circles, our differences, our particular marks of existence, especially the different categories that cross deaf corporalities and its histories: race, gender, social condition, etc. In the dialogue with these experiences and events, as well as with the narratives of students and our own, we problematize how different systems of oppression are present in our pedagogical practices and in our educational relationships, influencing the learning/teaching process. We invite attentive listening and sensitive reflection from the multiple voices that make up this text, in the search for the construction of a bilingual education of/with the deaf students, ethically and aesthetically committed to anti-racist and anti-capacitative practices.
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