Possible subject positions, Problem solving, Años Finales de la Enseñanza FundamentalAbstract
The article deals with the discussion of an integral part of a curricular device, the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) of Mathematics in the Final Years of Elementary School. To analyze this regulation, the Foucauldian concept of device was used, having as theoretical-methodological foundation the studies of Michel Foucault, with some concepts interpreted by Deleuze. The objective was to appropriate his theory to analyze discourses of educational entities about the BNCC, specifically the prescription of Mathematics for the Final Years of Elementary School, which, through conduct techniques, can make subject positions available, specifically to students, through the document's central power line, Problem Solving. The method of rhizomatic cartography was adopted as it made it possible to connect the points of the reform in ramifications that take place in different directions through their discourses. It was evidenced that the set of possible techniques of constitution conduct generated by the device element, in this article, give clues to locate closer to the production of "mathematics problem solving subject" in a logic of reform logic associated with good performance and neoliberal interests.
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