resisting, rethinking and crossing margins




Curricular autonomy, Innovation, Collective resistance, Meaningful learning


The text focuses on the debate on educational theories and policies, arguing that they intend to control the thoughts and practices that develop in schools, in a kind of epistemological and ontological colonization of subjects. We propose, based on the interpretative bibliographic review, anchored in critical and post-critical assumptions and in our pedagogical practice, to reflect on the possibility of (re)construction of the subject from the the creation of spaces for resignifications and problematizations, enabling other forms of struggle for the construction of autonomy, causing and education with emancipatory and transformative overtones. We argue that the attempt to close the curriculum, assuming the possibility of control, tends to lose strenght in the face of contextual and ontological demands, wich reiterates the defense of the need for innovative resistance and questioning in the face of exogenous dictates on the part of teachers and of a curriculum with the insignia of diversity, whose significance has the strength to extrapolate margins and go in search of a still unknown island. The text hopes to contribute, stimulating more adventurous reflections, reaffirming the hegemony of the school, as a true space of resignifations and decision center of the rules of the curricular game.


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Author Biography

António Luis Julião, Higher Catholic Polytechnic Institute of Benguela, Angola.

Magister en Desarrollo Curricular e Innovación Educativa de la Universidad Katyavala Bwila-Angola y profesora del Instituto Superior Politécnico Católico de Benguela, Angola.


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How to Cite

JULIÃO, A. L. AUTONOMY AND CURRICULAR INNOVATION : resisting, rethinking and crossing margins . Curriculum Space Journal, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 1, p. 1–11, 2023. DOI: 10.15687/rec.v16i1.65494. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 sep. 2024.