by subjects through knowledge




Curriculum Policies, Teacher Education, Knowledge, National Curriculum for Teacher Education


This article focuses on a reflection on how the name knowledge, even under intense and distinct criticism in the curriculum field, tends to be reaffirmed as a property capable of constituting full subjectivities, a teacher subject endowed with a certain capacity to do things in a promised school/world. It problematizes the knowledge defended in politics as that which is unknown to be appropriated by those who were not before, so that they become, become the subject desired by an expectation of structure/control. In order to address a possible scenario of statements about relations between knowledge in teacher education, it makes use of contributions from Ernesto Laclau's discourse theory, and Jacques Derrida's deconstruction thinking. With these authors, I take as my main contribution the idea of subjectivation to think about the projection of political subjectivities in which hegemonies in the curriculum field are constituted in their relations with the field of teacher education. He points out that such a perspective tends to neglect the contextual productions that take place where those teachers/students we do not know, who do what we do not know at school, happen.


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Author Biography

Hugo Heleno Camilo Costa, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

PhD in Education from the State University of Rio de Janeiro, Professor at the same institution and also at the Institute of Human and Social Sciences at the Federal University of Mato Grosso and at the Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Rondonópolis.


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How to Cite

COSTA, H. H. C. CURRICULUM POLICIES FOR TEACHER EDUCATION: by subjects through knowledge. Curriculum Space Journal, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 1, p. 1–11, 2023. DOI: 10.15687/rec.v16i1.66177. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.