Inventive resumes, Active micropolicies, Collective resistancesAbstract
This text composes a master's research that maps active micropolitics movements, in an elementary school, to problematize the inventive curricular movements that can be produced in this relationship. It dialogues with Deleuze and Guattari (2011, 2018) to think about education in a different way, from the perspective of creation. Betting on art intertwined with the curricula as a possibility of transporting to other possibilities and on cartography, as a methodology, to problematize: what inventive curricular movements can collective bodies constitute with the intention of affirming a beautiful life in the school routine? It argues that, among forms and forces that operate in the school routine, there are resistance processes that affirm life. It concludes (always open to the new) that it is indeed possible to bet on the school as a collective body, because between macro/micropolitics, there is the creation of inventive curricular movements that escape the established hegemonic standards and affirm a beautiful life in the school routine.
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