the struggle for the meaning of gender in the context of teaching practice
Curricular Policies, Curriculum, Genre, EJAAbstract
This article deals with the results of a research carried out at the lato sensu Specialization Course in Gender and Diversity in School (GDE), at the Federal University of Paraíba, under the responsibility of the Interdisciplinary Research and Action Group on Women and their Gender and Gender Relations. The research aimed to analyze how gender relations are expressed in the curriculum of the State Centers for Youth and Adult Education (CEJAs), in the city of João Pessoa / PB, and how these relationships are experienced by students in the teaching practices of the 3rd Segment (High School) of EJA. In the development of this analysis, the arguments of the Policy Cycle were used, based on the studies of Stephen Ball, Bower and Gold (1992) and Ball (1994), through the studies of Mainardes (2006, 2015) and Lopes (2011). Methodologically, analyzes were developed from a qualitative perspective, with ethnographic bias. For this we used participant observation, field notes and documents as data collection. It was perceived that there is a process of recontextualizing the ways in which curricular policies are (by) constructing gender relations in the EJA, a phenomenon that occurs in the context of the teaching practice, through the interpretations and critical positions evidenced in the teachers' attitudes And students of the school camp.
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