a look from the perspective of normative documents




curriculum., Teacher Autonomy., quality of education.


Overview Angola crosses moments of profound changes to all fields and dimensions, which makes sense to rethink the school, as a strategic location from curricular decision, organizational change and functional that allow to improve the teaching and adapting the system educational requirements today. Inserted in this logic to the publication of the Presidential Decree No. 160/18 of July 3, though tacit, seeks to generate a new perspective of curricular management allowing some margin of autonomy to teachers, while curricular agents, reinforcing your role. So, still seems to be some dissonance between the conditions laid down in the standard and what happens on the ground of the practices. In this sense, the present article augurs analyzecurricular teacher autonomy in light ofthe Executive Decree above mentioned, in order to ensure the educational success of learners. To support the same, and based on a qualitative approach, excelled by lifting the bibliographical and documental analysis apparatus. To elaborate the text banterback and forth with Ratti (1998, 2013); Pacheco(2000, 2001); Morgado (2000;2011); Afono (2014), and others that discuss the curriculum of teacher autonomy. The currentstandard, albeit tacit, gives autonomy to teachers, however, daily observations and reports indicate some ignorance of this prerogative rules, because in many cases, some teachers favor exactly what the curriculum at the expense ofshared decision making, putting into question the quality of the teaching and learning process.


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Author Biography

António Luis Julião, Katyavala Bwila University, Angola.

Graduated in Educational Psychology at Katyavala Bwila-Angola University, teacher and Pedagogical Coordinator.


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How to Cite

JULIÃO, A. L. CURRICULAR AUTONOMY OF THE TEACHER IN ANGOLA: a look from the perspective of normative documents. Curriculum Space Journal, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 2, p. 289–298, 2019. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.1983-1579.2019v12n2.43145. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 oct. 2024.