Historical-Critical Pedagogy, Humanities, Civil EngineeringAbstract
This rehearsal analyzes the syllabus of the humanistic components in Civil Engineering courses at the educational institutions of the Associação Catarinense das Fundações Educacionais based on the contributions of Historical-Critical Pedagogy. The investigative problem is formulated in the following question: what is the pedagogical meaning of the Humanistic Components in the Civil Engineering Courses of the ACAFE System based on the educational proposal of the PHC? This is a research with a historical-critical method, a qualitative approach and an exploratory objective, with bibliographical and documental data collect. The survey sample were analyzed using content analysis, considering three categories: historicization, concreteness and neotechnicism. The sample consists of five Civil Engineering courses offered by institutions in the ACAFE system. The study is divided into three moments: first, the main points of the PHC are delimited. In the second moment, the methodology, universe and sample of the research are described. In the third moment, the analyzes of the components, based upon the PHC. The results indicate that, based on the workload and the components studied, it cannot be said that there is a concern for critical teaching. Thus, the component menus do not present a pedagogical affiliation aligned with the PHC perspective. On the contrary, the menus reproduce neotechnicism masked by a discourse of pedagogical innovation. Therefore, the pedagogical meaning of the humanistic components of Civil Engineering courses is taken over by market interference, in the massive reproduction of teaching without criticality and aimed at training qualified labor for the global market.
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