Vol. 22 No. 3 (2020): Middle Ages: Multiple Perspectives

					View Vol. 22 No. 3 (2020): Middle Ages: Multiple Perspectives

This dossier proposes to discuss the multidimensionalities of the Middle Ages, which are often made invisible by traditional historiography, particularly spatiality, temporality and gender relations. Focusing on the articulation with Literature, the dossier seeks to discuss the importance of the notion of decoloniality for Medieval Studies, in the sense of deconstructing the patriarchal-racist-and-scriptocentric-based prejudices built by the rhetoric of modernity/coloniality. Thus, the call intends to center discussions on research that promotes displacement by addressing any of the above-mentioned dimensions. Priority will be given to submissions that include: 1) authors and/or works related to non-European spaces (space dimension); 2) the permanence of medieval elements across time, as it is the case of the neotrovadoresque movement in the 20th century, or even the idea of Long Middle Ages, as proposed by Jacques Le Goff (time dimension); and 3) the rich and varied writings of women in the various fields of knowledge and their reach in the Middle Ages and beyond (gender dimension). In short, the dossier intends to gather contributions aimed at productions, themes or tropos that have remained on the fringes of the canon of the History of Western Literature as far as the Middle Ages are concerned.

This issue was supported by the Research Support Foundation (FAPESQ), Grant Term No. 045/2019.


Published: 2020-12-18



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