naturalization of philanthropy and commercialization of public education
Educational policie, BNCC, High school, Initial teacher training, PhilanthropyAbstract
This article aims to investigate how political networks influenced the development, approval and performance of the BNCC for High School. The methodological approach chosen was the qualitative exploratory one, and the method used was the case study (YIN, 2010). The research findings were organized considering the first two contexts of the ‘policy cycle’ proposed by Stephen Ball (1994) and Fairclough’s (2016) critical discourse analysis technique. Considering the results of the analyzes, we understand that the contexts of elaboration, approval and effectiveness of the BNCC of High School were permeated by neoliberal speeches with strong philanthropic and market appeal, coming from national and international agencies that use mechanisms to maintain their performance, such as seminars and annual congresses, where the actions for education in the country are discussed and directed. As a consequence, after the BNCC has been approved, other policies are being developed with the aim of directing the Initial and Continuing Teacher Training for Basic Education and Pedagogical Projects of undergraduate courses, whose orientation is to consider, a priori, the determinations the documents that directly linked teacher training to the neoliberal political requirements of the BNCC, inevitably promoting a neo-technical and entrepreneurial conception in the public education system.
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