contingency, precariousness, and the impossibility of an "all" for the curriculum
Brazilian National Curriculum, Science Education, Curriculum PolicyAbstract
The text approaches the natural sciences competencies in the Brazilian National Curriculum (BNCC) of High School from a post-structural discursive perspective, aiming at conducting a deconstructive reading of its pedagogical, political and epistemological foundations. Based on discourse theory of Laclau and Mouffe (2015), the institution of strongly pragmatic solutions to the curriculum is problematized, supposedly based on solid foundations of how education and identity of the other should be to achieve purposes of resolution of demands from word and social world, based on the epistemological record of science. It is advocated that the utilitarian meaning of the curriculum and learning produces an economizing of the school experience to the idea of knowledge as a useful thing that should serve for students to become citizens in the world of work and everyday life, world these never fully anticipated and artificially reproducible in the curriculum.
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