Vol 13, special issue of REC published


The Curriculum Space Journal - CSJ launched a special issue in 2020, through the partnership with the Brazilian Curriculum Association - ABdC. The vol. 13, special paragraph was entitled "RESEARCH IN CURRICULUM AND DIFFERENCE: debates in a context of conservative proeminences" and organized by Professor Ana Ivenicki (UFRJ), together with Professor Dr. William Ribeiro (UFF) and Professor Rafael Ferreira de Souza Honorato (UFPB).The dossier brought together national and international researchers in order to broaden the sense of difference, not only in terms of varied belongings, but in ways of thinking, being and producing knowledge about the world, which can help us in the difficult task to reconstruct multicultural paths. According to Ivenicki (2018), thinking about teacher training for respect for cultural diversity and the challenge of prejudice has been the focus of multiculturalism for this training. Different efforts in the scope of research, especially considering the production in education, demonstrate a plurality of claims to break with the violent inheritance as we have dealt with otherness; producing new lexicons, debates and contexts that call into question, despite epistemological distinctions, supposedly homogenizing bases. Thus, this collective work presents several initiatives: critical multi/interculturalism; post/de/des colonialism; post-structuralism, racial, deaf, gender or queer studies.

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