
The Espaço do Currículo journal informs that from September 1 to 30, 2024, it is open to submit papers for publication in a Thematic Issue entitled - EDUCATIONAL REFORMS AND DISPUTES IN CURRICULUM POLICIES, organized by Professor Luciana Leandro da Silva (UFCG) and Professors Joedson Brito dos Santos (UFCG) and Álvaro Moreira Hypolito (UFPel).

The aim of this issue is to discuss the effects of recent educational reforms on curricular practices and policies, as well as to problematize the disputes in this field. We start from the assumption that the reforms taking place in contemporary education are part of a global movement, also known as the Global Educational Reform Movement - GERM (Sahlberg, 2015), which is based on the principles of standardization, accountability and decentralization (Verger et al., 2018), in order to favour the transfer and mobility of these policies.

Throughout the world, this movement has been deepening since at least the early 2000s, with the aim of accommodating society to the new needs of capital accumulation, via financialization and the dispute over public funds.

In this scenario, education is seen as a strategic element in the formation and adaptation of individuals to this "new" neoliberal sociability, via the homogenization and regulation of curricula, tightening control over the training and work of teachers, as well as over management and schools. This also coincides with the rise of the extreme right in the world, which is seeking to impose its ultra-liberal and neo-conservative agenda, using education as an instrument and seeking to eliminate any remnants of critical and emancipatory thinking.

In the case of Brazil, a series of retrograde and conservative measures have been taken, especially since 2016, the year of the legal, parliamentary, media and misogynist coup, from which an accelerated and articulated set of political and educational reforms was implemented, with emphasis on cutting social spending (EC nº 95/2016), making labor laws more flexible and expanding outsourcing (Laws nº 13.467/2017 and 13.429/2017), the High School Reform (Law nº 13. 415/2017), the approval of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC), the National Civic-Military Schools Program, the new National Curricular Guidelines for Initial and Continuing Teacher Training for Basic Education and the institution of the National Common Base for Initial and Continuing Teacher Training for Basic Education (BNC-Formação and BNC-Formação Continuada), the evidence-based National Literacy Policy and the New Fundeb with the VAAR that links constitutional resources via school performance and adherence to the BNCC, among others.

In addition, we cannot fail to mention the disastrous impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, accompanied by denialist speeches and a strong social, political and economic crisis that has devastated several countries, exposing social and educational inequalities. The alliance of the new right (Apple, 2003), which had already been articulating itself around the world, against rights and democratic institutions, took advantage of this pandemic context to deepen its policy of setbacks.

The effects of the pandemic on education have also been significant, with the expansion of remote and hybrid teaching, which has opened up a large market and accelerated the process of platformization and uberization of teaching work...

As a whole, these educational reforms reflect the disputes surrounding the curriculum and the objectives of education, often seeking to subject and conform schools, their subjects and, consequently, society as a whole to an increasingly individualistic, exclusionary and unequal logic. But we know that this does not happen without resistance...

In this sense, we believe that there is a need for a more in-depth analysis of the effects of these policies in different contexts, as well as the resistance, confrontations and challenges. This is why we are proposing this thematic dossier and inviting colleagues from Brazil and other countries to contribute to this debate through a critical approach.

Please consult the Instructions for Authors to adapt your work to the publication standards available on the Federal University of Paraíba's Periodicals Portal, by accessing the journal at

Submissions must be made through the Portal de Periódicos by accessing the journal To do this, register as an Author to submit your work.

If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail:


APPLE, M. W. Educating to the right: markets, standards, God and inequality. São Paulo: Cortez: Paulo Freire Institute, 2003.

SAHLBERG, P. Finnish Lessons 2.0: what can the world learn from educational change in Finland? New York: Teachers College Press, 2015

VERGER, A.; PARCERISA, L.; FONTDEVILA, C. The growth and spread of large-scale assessments and test-based accountabilities: a political sociology of global education reforms. Educational Review, v. 71, n. 01, p. 1-26, 2018.


Submission of texts: September 1 to 30, 2024;

Evaluations: September 1st to October 15th;

Submission of the revisions requested in the evaluations: until October 30, 2024;

Publication of the issue: by December 10, 2024.