the challenge of moving magma from colonial structures to enable an ecology of knowledge
Decolonialidade, Antirracismo, CotidianoAbstract
This article brings discussions on (de)coloniality, racismo, everyday narratives, and childhood within the contexto of curriculum and education. The proposal is to reflect on the relevance of considering ourselves as subjects of our own history so that, in dialogue with children's narratives presented and decolonial debates, we can think of anti-racist tactics and practices, understanding the ways in which the colonial order operates in our subjectivities. Thus, possibilities are indicated for thinking about knowledge production that points to an ecology of knowledges (SANTOS, 2013) woven in the microspheres of the classroom. All of this is inspired by the propositions, methodologies, and questions raised in the undergraduate thesis entitled "Decolonizing Childhood: Towards an Everyday Epistemology of Black Children," which methodologically relies on autobiographical narrative, research on everyday experiences, and conversational methodology, aspects that permeate the article's writing. Its results contribute to the redefinition of black childhoods through intercultural perspectives encountered in the school context, and inspire pedagogical reflections on the role of the school in promoting practices that contribute to the production of resistant and non-silenced subjectivities.
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