CSJ vol 14, no. 1 published


The Curriculum Space Journal - CSJ launched the first issue of 2020. Vol. 14, n ° 1 was entitled “CURRICULAR POLICIES AND INNOVATIONS (NEO) CONSERVATIVE: (trans) borders, challenges and resignifications” and organized by Professor Cláudia Silva Rodrigues, Ângela Cristina Alves Albino (UFPB). The Dossier is the result of the IX International Colloquium on Curricular Policies and Practices, carried out by the Curriculum Policies Research and Research Group - GEPPC and brought together a set of texts that analyze the neoconservative context in which the curriculum takes on the appearance of a species. as a window on the world, responsible for guiding the interests of groups that tirelessly try to establish what should and should not be learned and taught, using it as an essential tool for countless political uses. The widespread and disseminated discourse is that educational institutions face a serious crisis and that intervention / reforms are necessary to adapt them to the new demands that society demands.

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Good reading!