urgent demands for times of absence
Teachers Creativity, Self-training, School Reinvention, Emergencial remote educationAbstract
The concept of teaching creativity and the imposition for a reinvention of the school and its professionals in the current context is the starting point of this article. In the first part, the concept of teaching creativity will be presented as a space for listening and reflection, a theoretical construct based on the product of the doctoral thesis of one of the authors, which seeks to understand the teaching self-training processes and how teacher creativity is favored when he experiences training spaces in which listening and reflection are present. In the second part, will be discussed the pandemic educational context, experienced on a world scale in 2020 and the demands arising from the reinvention of the school and its teachers. Some points of tension will be evidenced in relation to the new structures created and in the resignifications arising from what is understood here as virtuality of the classroom and teaching work. The need to be a teacher, even in adversity, created spaces for creation that were often not favorable for many teachers. The search for creative responses from these professionals, who often present themselves as “pedagogical gambiarras”, emerges as factors that prove the urgency of the discussion about creativity as a teacher training theme. As a finalization of the analysis, will be presented some ways to have creativity in adverse contexts.
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