curriculum creation and collective resistance as an affirmation of life




Inventive curriculum compositions, Collective resistances, Active micropolitics


The year was 2020. Who was prepared to face a pandemic? Who imagined that we would suddenly be surprised by so many sad affections? In-person classes suspended, doubts and many concerns in school everyday life. Did we learn? What? Has life stopped? There were so many either this or that! We prefer e...e...e... Therefore, we invite you to enter into a relationship with a research, which dives between active micropolitics (ROLNIK, 2015) that enhance inventive curricula, engendered with the signs of the art, in an elementary school in the municipality of Serra-ES, highlighting the collective power of teachers in the relationship between forms and forces that cross the school routine, with the intention of producing curricula that escape the established hegemonic standards and affirm the life. As a methodology, it bets on cartography, following the order of becoming. It follows the movements experienced by teachers through assemblages in conversation networks (CARVALHO, 2011) and problematizes the meanings produced in the curricular processes and their implications in the processes of 'learning to teach'. Dialogues with Deleuze and Guattari (2011, 2018), from the perspective of the philosophy of difference. It bets on 'practices-theories' (ALVES, 2019) woven into everyday school life and argues that, among forms and forces, there are processes of resistance and curricular movements to affirm life. It concludes that the composition of curricular practices, in the agency between collective bodies, weaves ruptures with the logic of servitude and produces life, joy, difference.


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Author Biographies

Andrea dos Santos Gabriel, Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil.

Pedagogue at the Federal University of Espírito Santo and Master's student in Education at the same institution.

Sandra Kretli da Silva, Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil.

PhD in Education from the Federal University of Espírito Santo and Professor at the same institution.


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How to Cite

GABRIEL, A. dos S. .; SILVA, S. K. da. SUDDENLY, A PANDEMIC: curriculum creation and collective resistance as an affirmation of life. Curriculum Space Journal, [S. l.], v. 15, n. 3, p. 1–13, 2022. DOI: 10.15687/rec.v15i3.64595. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 dec. 2024.