Curricula, Research with everyday life, Poetic writings.Abstract
It is the result of doctoral research developed during the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and the necrogovernment established in Brazil between 2018 and 2022. With the aim of problematizing the multiple lived-practiced-invented curricula with school daily life, a bet was made on the research methodology with everyday life and on post-structuralist epistemology, making use of Deleuze and Guattari’s philosophy of difference as a conceptual contribution. By considering school routines as spaces-times of curricular texture and inventive policies, it was committed to writing as a vital device that reverberated in multiple scribblings-curriculum. The act of writing with the practitioners of everyday school life what affected them triggered beyond a method of data production, a curricular movement of experimentation of life in a time of social distancing, as well as a mode of encounters (DELEUZE; PARNET, 1998). Finally, by defending a curricular poetics as belonging to the order of affections and, therefore, capable of establishing another becoming, another style, abother creation, another way of tjinking-inventihg-curricula, a defense is also made of the public schools, as an ethical, aesthetic and political commitment of this research in Education.
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