a flower between uses, reinterpretations and re-existences
Curriculums, Daily Life, CultureAbstract
With the aim of provoking problematizations and productions of meanings about reinventions and possible re-existence movements in / of / with everyday school and cultures, this essay proposes another writing (ALVES; GARCIA, 2001) about uses that they subvert the curricular writings. For this, it is used from the everyday perspective of the curriculum. Starting from the concepts of: reinvention, everyday uses, strategy and tactics from Certeau (2009); of deterritorialization, reterritorialization, molar, molecular and flight lines of Deleuze and Parnet (2004), Deleuze and Guattari (1997a; 1997b, 2003), Guattari and Rolnik (1986), and Rolnik (2007), power games and games of truth by Foucault (2006); The essay presents possible uses and reinventions of a flower (student fat, hibiscus) by students as tactics, lines of flight, deterritorializations and power games, through powerful reinventions in the face of rigid school rules that materialize molar lines in control mechanisms and surveillance.
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